Like most apes, Grodd has to be taken down a level and who better to do that than a bearded, one-eyed, crazy-as-beans Batman. Yeah, you read that right. You get both a psychic gorilla controlling the whole world AND a crazy bearded Batman running around defying him. It's like cookie dough and ice cream. Two good things that go great together. Top this off with that fact that the whole issue is set in a post apocalyptic future where the sunset is green (GREEN!), and I'd be hard pressed to name a more enjoyable comic lately.
It doesn't hurt that the issue is drawn superbly by Rafael Albuquerque. The way he draws a gorilla getting punched in the teeth by Superman is out of this world. That's neglecting to even mention the way he's portrayed Batman. It's so cool I can't even fathom words sufficient enough to do it justice. Also, Albuquerque's Joker is the coolest Joker in comics at the moment.
All in all, I'll buy anything with a monkey on the cover. I think any logical person would. It's a good thing too when I read an issue of any comic more than once in a week. Not that any of you are going to spring up and haul yourselves to the nearest comic book shop, but for a psychic gorilla maybe... just maybe... you should.

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