The most damning trick of time is that very often we will be unaware of it until we stop to reflect on the events that have already occurred. In my own experience, sometimes the urge to live in the moment robs you of the perspective to appreciate moments passed the fleeting present; the 'here and now'. Perception is the key to the way we deal with time as humans. We are at once both aware of the inertial movement of time, while at the same instant we are able to affect our own awareness and appreciation for it through the lengths in which we perceive it."
I wrote this on November 10, 2009 as I was pondering the enormity of time and how quickly it passes. I've always found it fascinating when one can recall an event in time only to realize that though it seems to have happened only a short while ago, the truth is that a considerable time period has elapsed. The mere fact that I wrote this nine months ago is boggling enough in and of itself.
I guess I wanted to release this article in an unfinished state. I have a number of unfinished pieces sitting on my computer, and while I may never post some, I felt the core of my argument was pretty solid in what I had already written considering time. Time is something someone like me in my early twenties has tons of, and yet it never feels like there is enough.
The most damning thing about time can be summed up by this quote from an unknown source:
“Time is the cruelest teacher; first she gives the test, then teaches the lesson.”
Time is something we can never cheat. We can never outrun it or produce more of it. We can regret how we spent it, but we cannot undo that which is done. All we can do is try with our very souls to do with our time all that we can so that in a moment of reckoning far in our futures we will not have the misfortune of looking back in frustration, but in a triumph of the purest human experience.
If time makes fools of us all, then perhaps we should endeavor all of us to be foolish on our own terms when that moment comes.
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