So it's been a couple of weeks and I really don't know what I originally planned to write in this final entry. I know I have a post it note list that I wrote with some ideas for this entry, so we'll go with that. Other than that, I reckon I'll be winging it.
February 28th was my birthday. For me, my birthday is more of a milestone than the New Year. A birthday is kind of like the personal new year. You get to look forward to what the next three hundred and sixty five days of your life will bring while at the same time looking back and taking stock of what happened in the last. When I look back at age twenty-three, I think that if nothing else it was a transitive year. The proverbial arc of the so-called story of my twenty-third year was quite interesting. It began at a relatively middle ground and then, as life tends to do, the floor dropped out. The rest of the year was kind of a roller-coaster of realizations, discoveries, and reacquaintance with myself. It was one of those years I imagine many people have where your perceptions about things are changed from both your experiences and new and radical thoughts. When I look back at how it was to be twenty-three I imagine I won't be too fond of the time spent, but I can pretty honestly say it was well worth it.
That being said, I decided a while ago that twenty-four should be a much more forward-moving year. In this interest, I compiled a list of things I want to accomplish before I turn twenty-five. Some of these things are pretty far reaching and, quite frankly, terrifying. Some of these are pretty easy. All in all, I think most of them are doable in the span of a year. I'll attempt to keep some kind of update going over the course of the year as to which of these tasks I'm working towards, but in an archival sense I am writing them here to have some proof in a year of either my success or failure.
1. Go-Karts. Never done it. I'm a bad human being.
2. Sky dive. Scares the daylights out of me... Can't be that bad.
3. Bungee jump or go to a bungee park. My nerves already tremble.
4. Try out (audition, in the industry) for a play.
5. Learn to play the guitar I have.
5a. Play out somewhere at least once.
6. Travel outside of the country. More and more plausible by the day.
6a. Maybe study abroad in Australia or the UK.
7. Paint a painting.
8. Win something.
9. Take a road trip around the country. Preferably west.
10. Camp at a National Park. Maybe Yellowstone.
11. Write/draw a comic book.
12. Sculpt a statue or statuette. Maybe easy?
13. Get a new computer.
14. Get a new car.
15. Declare a major.
16. Try out a martial art again.
17. Take up my lifelong battle with learning Spanish a little better.
So that's basically the things I really ought to do this year. Life has a funny way of never playing out the way you'd like. A relative recently told me that there is 'life the way you want it to be' and 'life the way it is'. Life is best when you're towing a line halfway between the two. This list is likely the way I want my life to be, and with any luck I'll be as close to it as I can be. That's more or less the most anyone can reasonably ask.
Lastly, here's a picture of me and my good friend Matt arm wrestling. Why? Because this is my blog and I can do what I want! Also, I think it's a neat picture, and if nothing else this article needs a picture.

Note: It may be some time before I get another post up. Waiting to be reasonably inspired enough to put something up. Hopefully before the end of March we'll be in good shape. Stay tuned.
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